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1. Legal Notice

1.1 Publisher

SASU Société par actions simplifiée à associé unique Lodges Arverne
Share capital: €7500.00
Head office: 302 RUE DES COTEAUX 63270 VIC-LE-COMTE
RCS: Clermont-Ferrand B 527 477 939
SIRET: 52747793900013
VAT Number: FR79527477939
APE Code: Business consulting and other management consulting (7022Z)


Publishing Director: Mr. Franck TAVERT

1.2 Web hosting

B2 Network SARL

15 rue Jean Claret
63 000 Clermont-Ferrand
SARL with a share capital of €50,000
RCS: Clermont Ferrand 793 496 662
Publishing Director: Nicolas BELAN

1.3 Site owner

This site is subject to international treaties and French legislation on copyright and intellectual property and complies with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on Confidence in the Digital Economy. Reproduction of all or part of this site is strictly prohibited without express permission from Lodges Arverne.

II. General terms of use

Lodges Arverne (hereinafter referred to as “the publisher”) operates a showcase site (hereinafter referred to as “the site”).
These general terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “GTU”), governed by French law, are intended to govern the use of the site.
Simply accessing the publisher’s site at the following URL constitutes full and unreserved acceptance of the GTU by the user of the site.

1. Intellectual property

1.1 Literary and Artistic Property

Lodges Arverne owns all intellectual property rights related to the site.
Access to the site does not grant the user any rights to the intellectual property rights related to the site, which remain the exclusive property of Lodges Arverne. The following are notably protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property:
– The graphic design (logo, font choices, color codes, editorial content, choice, and positioning of illustrations);
– The navigation aspect (all functionalities allowing the user to browse the site);
– The overall appearance of the site.

In accordance with Article L122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, any unauthorized exploitation by Lodges Arverne, in any capacity whatsoever, of all or part of the site may be subject to appropriate action, including infringement proceedings

2. Hypertext links

The site may contain hypertext links to other sites on the Internet. The links to these other resources will make you leave the site. The publisher declines all responsibility for the content of these third-party sites and cannot be held responsible for their use by users.
It is possible to create a link to the site’s presentation page without the express authorization of the publisher. No authorization or prior request for information may be required by the publisher regarding a third-party site that wishes to establish a link to the publisher’s site. However, it should display this site in a new browser window. However, the publisher reserves the right to request the removal of a link it deems non-compliant with the site’s purpose or if the said link results from a deliberate and malicious approach undertaken knowingly by the operator of the original site.
Finally, any creation of a so-called “deep” hypertext link or the use of “framing” or “inline linking,” among others, requires the prior express authorization of the publisher.

3. Publisher’s responsability

The information and/or documents on this site may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The publisher reserves the right to correct them as soon as these errors are brought to its attention. Under no circumstances can the publisher be held responsible for any damage of any kind resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this site.

4. Access to the site

The publisher undertakes to make every effort to render and maintain all services available on the site.
In this regard, the publisher is only bound by an obligation of means towards the user. Our responsibility cannot be sought in the following cases:
– Temporary interruptions of a few minutes for updating certain files.
– Difficulties in operating or temporarily interrupting these services beyond our control, particularly in the event of interruptions in electricity or telecommunication services.
– Temporary interruptions of services necessary for their evolution or maintenance.
– Failures or malfunctions of the Internet network in the transmission of messages or documents.

5. Modification of the GTU

The GTU of the site, as defined here, were posted online on May, 2024. The publisher reserves the right to modify them at any time without notice..